Photo Mechanic 6.0
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171 MB

Photo Mechanic 6.0

Manages picture albums and browses metadata
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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171 MB

Photo Mechanic will help you perform lots of operations on your photos. As there are so many functions available, this application may be a little difficult to use. Despite it may require certain ability and experience, a regular user will probably find no difficulty in performing at least the basic operations.

This application will let you browse your photos to make better decisions. In this respect, Photo Mechanic will conveniently display thumbnails of your images with several viewing options. Moreover, you can modify the photos right from the same screen with simple operations like rotating, renaming and metadata editing.

However, the available operations are not limited to the ones mentioned as this application also includes a comprehensive set of editing tools. These utilities comprise adjusting date and time, changing resolution, managing colors, resizing and many more. Additionally, this software application supports performing these operations on batches of photos.

Once you have finished modifying the photos, you can use several output functions. For instance, you can print the photos as contact sheets or export them as web pages. You can even create slide shows of your photographs, upload them to FTP sites and burn them to discs.
Photo Mechanic will be a valuable tool for any user working with large amounts of photos, as it is the case of a professional photographer.

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • It includes lots of useful functions


  • It may be a little difficult to use

Comments (1)

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Although rather expensive and lacking the editing features of some photo managers, this is by far the best *serious* photo manager that I've yet worked with, and its handling of IPTC metadata puts it in a class of its own.

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